Oxford City Council Provides Emergency Beds for Homeless This Winter
As colder nights draw closer, Oxford City Council introduces plans to supply shelter to those sleeping rough.
Oxford City Council has activated its severe weather emergency protocol (SWEP), providing shelter for people experiencing homelessness during freezing weather.
The charity St Mungo’s delivers an intensive outreach service helping people off the streets, however, not everyone is entitled to support, such as people from abroad with no right to claim benefits or housing, and others may have refused support.
The Council has secured a minimum of 41 beds in Oxford and will activate SWEP on every night the Met Office forecasts freezing overnight temperatures.
Councillor Linda Smith, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, said: “SWEP provides a lifeline for people at risk during freezing winter weather. SWEP also gives us another chance to offer the support they might need to leave the streets behind.”
Weekly estimates for the number of people sleeping rough are now typically in the mid-40s, and the council believes there will be enough beds to meet demand. Contingency plans are in place if more spaces are needed.
St Mungo’s will allocate SWEP beds to people experiencing rough sleeping during the day – letting them know where and when they need to go.
People without a SWEP bed allocation will be able to present at O'Hanlon House between 11pm and midnight.
Report concern for someone sleeping rough here.