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I found it really hard to watch my daughter wrestling with ADHD, medication, and dreadful side effects, and so I made it my mission to help, (many people still think ADHD is just about inability to focus and don’t really understand it’s far more about your ability to handle your own emotions) and the impact that had on mental health.

With the help of a specialist nutritionist, I have developed Cognitively – a supplement of 18 ingredients of western vitamins and minerals with ancient eastern botanicals and herbs from Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. The result a supplement that supports those with ADHD (kids and adults)

I would love you to try my product and happy to send you a month’s supply for you to try and would really love to hear about how you get on. I am passionate about trying to help all those who can’t take medication because of the side effects, and also those waiting and waiting for years for a diagnosis.

Whilst I am delighted with the awareness ADHD is now getting and how it’s become a much more open conversation – there are still so many struggling and I hope that this produce offers some respite from some of the symptoms.

Why does this product work, because it was made out of necessity, by a Mum, for her ADHD daughter

With Kind Regards





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